
Mrio Soares (President of Portugal)

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Profession: President of Portugal Biography: Mário Soares, often called Portugal's 'father of modern democracy' was a central figure in Portuguese political life in the second half of the 20th century. As a young man Soares joined the Communist party and actively protested against his country's dictatorship. For this he was imprisoned and forcibly exiled to the island of São Tomé. Soares came to political prominence during the 'Carnation Revolution' of 1974 as part of the Socialist party, where he served as Foreign Minister. Read More...

Pluto's Gates of Hell in Turkey

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There is a place known as the Gates of Hell on earth, and it has been discovered. The sacrifices were healthy bulls brought down to the gates of hell—they died very quickly without any human involvement, but the castrated priests who accompanied them were unaffected. The Gates of Hell The gate is also known as the Plutonium, after Pluto, the god of the underworld. It was revered as the doorway to the underworld in Greco-Roman mythology and tradition. Read More...

PROHIBITION: Bottles & Barrels | TIME

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In Chicago, Joe Grein (“Mayor of Randolph Street”), oldtime saloon keeper, is president of the city’s Malt Producers Association. From the $20,000 worth of bottles, barrels, hops, malt, caps, cappers, kegs, jugs, rubber hose, filtering paper and flavoring extracts on the shelves of the Grein shop a homebrewer could, until last week, buy everything he needed. Grein’s shop, like thousands of others throughout the land, sold everything connected with liquor except the liquor itself. Read More...